Train loose on its tracks to Kathmandu Out the flashing window Himalayan peaks look like wings on fire How to believe light until it moves the wet trail photographing my boots Or a rare white [...]
All my life, random strangers had asked me, “Are you a healer?”
“No,” I used to say. “I’m a writer.”
I was a professor of writing for two decades before I changed careers. So, what’s the CONNECTION between writing and energy healing?
Years later, now I see that, for me, writing and healing aren’t that different.
I never understood where my poems came from. Somehow I knew how to write, and somehow I knew how to teach this somewhat unteachable skill. And yes, I’d studied and worked very hard, but for all my training and practice, I still looked at every poem when it was done and thought, “I have no idea how I did that.” Like many writers, the words came from within me and from beyond me at the same time.
I call myself a writer, healer, and teacher so you’ll understand what I’m offering. But I don’t self-identify as any of those things. Whether I’m sharing language with an audience or intuitive messages with a client, I’m transmitting energy.
We each have unique gifts. I love to help the mind understand the soul.
May we all be who we really are, sharing our true selves. For me, writing poetry and essays helps me feel my higher love for all beings everywhere, including those souls who have both hurt and taught me the most.
All love,
Train loose on its tracks to Kathmandu Out the flashing window Himalayan peaks look like wings on fire How to believe light until it moves the wet trail photographing my boots Or a rare white [...]
Writing by Jennifer Chapis has appeared in The New Yorker, American Letters & Commentary, Best New Poets, The Iowa Review, McSweeney’s, and hundreds of other magazines and anthologies. She was awarded the Arts & Letters Rumi Prize, and her poetry was showcased as part of a marketing project by the world’s largest flavor manufacturer. She is the author of The Beekeeper’s Departure, a limited-edition chapbook, and Notes From the Vanishing World, a poetry manuscript that was a finalist for the Agnes Lynch Starrett Prize, Benjamin Saltman Award, Colorado Prize, Crab Orchard Series, Dorset Prize, Elixir Press Poetry Award, National Poetry Series, and New Issues Poetry Prize. Jennifer completed her MFA at New York University in 2000. Prior to founding the All Love Healing Center, she co-founded Nightboat Books with Kazim Ali and served for over a decade as full-time faculty at New York University, where she was awarded the Dean’s Outstanding Teaching Award. Jennifer now lives in Wilmington, NC, where she practices energy work, leads Writing for Healing and Ascension School workshops, and writes for Salt Magazine. Jennifer is currently working on a book-length memoir about her spiritual awakening.