“Love is the bridge between you and everything.”
with Mother Mary
Available by distance

A complete experience of unconditional love and relaxation. In this untimed session, together we sit inside the heart with the Highest Light. The pure love of Ascended Masters and Archangels prepare you to serve yourself and humanity as Source.
Please come with an intention, or we can set one together. What do you most want?
With the support of higher consciousness and universal life force, we allow graceful awakening. This transmission helps you release resistance, move forward on your path, answer an increasingly greater call to service, accept yourself as a Master, and embody your joyfully unique calling.
$888 exchange
Untimed (on average two hours)
“I trusted Jennifer the minute I heard her voice, and felt prompted from somewhere deep inside myself to reach out to her. She radiates truth that my soul hears loud and clear. I’ve seen Jennifer for regular healings for a few years now, and I am excited to continue. The ongoing transformation is deeply profound as it inspires positive changes in my internal and external life. She works with a loving energy that causes miracles. I find that the highest good for my life is germinating in ways that make me feel strong and courageous. I was at a juncture where I was rebooting my life after a period of dormancy, and this energy is exactly the catalyst I needed to create effortless flow into forward movement. I had spent my early decades in therapy, but there was still grief, anger, and depression no matter how much I worked on myself. I had learned that I was highly self-evolved, but that knowledge alone didn’t help. I have found energy work to be so much easier than understanding and changing behaviors or patterns from intellect. The intuitive insights and internal shifts steered the most difficult of decisions, and life changed in such a beautiful way. After only months of working with Jennifer, I uncovered and released many layers of depression, resistance, and anger that had previously robbed me of joy and peace. Among the countless layers of release was a deep existential angst that was resident in my energy field since my birth. This malady had been diagnosed as PTSD, ADHD, etc. Following a session with Jennifer, I had a vivid dream showing me the root cause. I had a very real experience of abuse as an infant in a previous life. The dream was a shamanic vision, and that realization of abuse came directly from God. Since then I am able to see and dismantle the patterns of behaviors created to tolerate this angst. I have worked with extremely gifted energy workers and am so blessed to find the perfect fit for where I am now and how I want to evolve. These sessions create internal space to ground your spirit and a foundation for bringing in more of the authentic you and the higher aspects of your soul. If Jennifer has shown up in your life, I encourage you to follow that sign and trust in this energy to take you where you want to go.”
~ Karen Wilson, Start-up CEO BlueSpot Health, Novato, CA
Timeless Heart Packages
“There is no remedy for love
but to love more.”
-Henry David Thoreau
but to love more.”
Stay tuned, sessions start before they start.
Three sessions over three months: $2,444 exchange Save $220 ($2,664 value)
For those dedicated to rapid transformation, this special package may be a supportive and more economical option. Your payment at the time of booking signals your commitment energetically, and therefore the prepaid package is especially activating!
As an intuitive healer, I am not licensed to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition. Energy work is a spiritual supplement to living in alignment with nature. Please see your healthcare provider regarding medical or psychological conditions.
For additional support, enroll in the Mentoring Master’s Program.
Q &A
How does the healing work?
This powerfully loving energy work delivers the specific healing that is most beneficial to you at this time. You will receive pure life-force energy which raises the vibration of your physical body and the energy field. Your entire being is prepared to receive and hold more life-force energy, thereby allowing for growth on all levels and expanding your consciousness.
How is a Timeless Heart session different than an All Love Activation Intensive?
More energy is delivered during the Timeless Heart. The session is untimed. We sit in your heart for as long as it takes for the energy flow to complete, as guided by your soul. In lieu of discussing the story details surrounding your life, we spend that time in silent connection with Loving Source.
Why is this energy work uniquely powerful?
Each healer has unique gifts. No one else on earth delivers this healing. This modality was given to me by Source to assist with my unique mission to awaken love consciousness. No two sessions are alike. And each session takes you to a new level on your own unique path, activating your unique talents, and supporting you to make your unique contribution to the world.
Can we do my session remotely?
Yes! The Timeless Heart is only performed by distance. I need to lay down to deliver this particular energy. I work with the energy body, which can be accessed from anywhere worldwide. Pure, loving energy is sent directly to you.
What will happen during the session?
You will be invited to lie down comfortably in a quiet place at home or in nature. You my like to listen to soft music. While you relax, you will receive pure love energy. Higher Consciousness knows what you need on all levels. You need only relax and allow the healing to happen.
What will happen after the session?
You will undergo healing and release, specific to your needs. It’s impossible to predict exactly what you will experience, as it’s different every time, but many people experience an increase in peace, well-being, deeper access to the heart, and greater connection to Source. You may experience increased intuition and synchronicity and recognize a boost in your energetic frequency, making it more effortless to attract ideal people and situations into your life. Or you may experience something unique to you at this time. Regardless, you can rest assured that whatever happens is in direct service to your highest good and the highest good of all.
How long should I wait between healings?
Transformation is a unique process for each individual. Please wait at least 21 days between sessions. Your bodily systems require this time for the profound process to fully complete. If you feel called to commit to your awakening, sessions may be scheduled every 21-30 days. Others may feel like waiting longer. Listen to your instincts. Your intuition will effortlessly move you at the perfect pace.
Why is it beneficial to do a package?
Transformation is a process, like peeling the layers of an onion. Each healing picks up where the last session left off, offering as much release and transformation as your mind and body are ready for at that time, never more or less. Each session is exponentially more powerful because, with the completion of each healing, each subsequent session is able to go deeper. When you’re ready for rapid transformation, committing to multiple healings in a row is more powerful than doing individual sessions over longer periods of time. Your commitment is a signal to the universe that you are ready for a higher calling, thereby your soul’s calling feels more urgent, joyful, and impossible to ignore. That said, a single session can also be powerfully life-changing on its own.
Is All Love Healing affiliated with a particular faith or spiritual philosophy?
No. All Love Healing is not affiliated with a particular faith, and does not conflict with any faith. This spiritual healing is all encompassing to include all people of all faiths and those who have no religion. You are not required to conform to any particular philosophy. Nor are you required to believe in spiritual healing in order for it to be effective. All that’s required is your willingness to evolve.
Wishing you a most abundant awakening!