A confession, apology, and invitation to discover bliss I’m a recovered work-aholic. Historically, my M.O. was to prioritize work before myself and my relationships. Being a spiritual [...]
“Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things.” -Thomas Merton Dear Friends, Love is the ultimate healer and the source of all life. How so? Well, because an [...]
A little bird told me you’re ready to relax. So you want more ease, eh? Are you willing to allow life to be peaceful? Are you willing to simply be? Unrest is simply our own resistance to [...]
True, lasting ecstatic love does not come from outside of you. When you expect people to make you feel loved or supported, the ego stands in the way of truth, separating you from yourself, your [...]
Sexual awakening is spiritual awakening. It’s actually an awakening of the heart. The urge to connect physically with another person is also a desire to connect to the divine love within [...]