A confession, apology, and invitation to discover bliss
I’m a recovered work-aholic. Historically, my M.O. was to prioritize work before myself and my relationships.
Being a spiritual healer is a bit like being an on-call surgeon with a buzzer, except you have the people and the Archangels and Ascended Masters ringing you.
Because I love my clients, and my work is my soul mission, learning to take care of myself first was a blind spot. And although I still end up awake half the night sometimes (Spirit likes to talk at all hours Lol), I have learned that I can’t be an open channel 24/7.
It’s been a long road to freedom, meaning it’s taken me billions of lifetimes (including the inter-dimensional ones) to accept that I can chill the heck out and simply enjoy life. Thankfully I’ve learned. God only wants for me what I want for myself.
I have gone from self-imposed shackles to self-liberation! I share my experience, in case it’s helpful to you or someone you know who lives “in service” to others (i.e. parents, teachers, healthcare providers, business owners, etc).
Each of my spiritual awakenings happened after I burned myself out to complete exhaustion. Why did the Heavens rain incredible gifts down upon me in moments of collapse? Because I finally surrendered and focused on myself. When I paid attention to me and my needs, the Universe followed my lead.
My first awakening happened at age 18. After endless efforts to help my depressed mother discover happiness, I left for college, where, I discovered my own happiness.
My second energetic opening happened at 29. After countless efforts to save my fiancé from alcoholism, I broke off our engagement. I let him fall (and later discover his own sobriety), while I enjoyed building my career and a new relationship.
My third major awakening happened at 40. After round-the-clock efforts to be the best writer and professor that I could be, I left an all-consuming job in NYC. And after nursing my ill husband back to health, I left him too. Rather than trying to convince him that God is real (and he can heal himself), I committed to my spiritual practice. I answered an inner calling to open a spiritual healing center on the North Carolina coast.
My fourth awakening happened at 43 when my ex-husband (who was also my best friend) passed away. His cancer relapsed, and I let him go this time. I did not try to save him.
Although it may appear that I have left people, I have loved these people. Each time I truly let the person I love go, they came back to me, healed. (Even Josh, who is no longer in a physical body.)
This letting go has been my path to discovering true Love. With each surrender (small or large), my energetic, creative, and intuitive gifts opened exponentially. Like a trapeze artist, each time I let go God met me and the people I love.
My fifth awakening happened this past November 2017. After growing a thriving local healing practice and beloved community, I let my healing center go. I was divinely Guided to own the fact (out loud!) that I am a world-class healer, charge appropriate prices for my private sessions, and travel the world delivering light transmissions. I did not, however, have the money to travel, and I had no idea if people would want to receive healing by distance. The fact that you don’t need to be physically located in the same room as your healer was a new concept to a lot of people. And the fact that silence heals more deeply than talking might be unbelievable to some people. I had no safety net. I had only God’s word that this is my path.
It’s scary to let go. I was afraid of being misunderstood. But I swung out into the unknown and allowed myself to free fall.
Faith is a most valuable currency.
As an open channel to the Divine and someone who remembered her soul purpose at age two, I’ve always felt utter joy sharing the love and wisdom that naturally move through me. Learning that I’m not here to save (or please) the world, on the other hand, was an on-going process. My bliss turned to stress whenever I tried too hard to help. When I relax and trust, on the other hand, everyone is healed.
The savior doesn’t save anyone. The savior shows up in love, as Love. Everyone everywhere is saved because the savior is completely present with him or herself. We are each the Savior.
Our collective breakthrough happens every time one person shows up, faces whatever fear, and allows it to dissolve in the light of love. The path is, was, and always will be through our humanity.
I am a healer. I clear hidden trauma, fear, pain, and doubt. I raise the energetic vibration in the human body and in the body of the earth. I do my piece to help usher in a golden age where love prevails on this planet. I simply am the love I’m looking for. And I err when I prioritize loving people and the planet at the expense of loving myself. World peace is an inside job. The ascension is nothing more than my shift in consciousness, which is your shift in consciousness. And your shift in consciousness is mine.
We awaken together, not alone, and the path is straight through the self. If you want to wake from the dream of being imperfect, insufficient, alone or unloved…. If you want to wake from the collective lie that there’s any such thing as evil in the world, there’s a war to win, a disease to conquer, or anyone needs you to save or them, convince them, appease them, etc., then stop right now. And breathe. Feel your feelings.
Just be.
Actually, awakening is simple. Simply don’t abandon yourself.
Be here with yourself. Stop trying. Stop running. Face whatever “death” you may be avoiding. Let go.
You are an eternal being. That is the truth. The only death is that of our own ego.
We don’t need to sacrifice ourselves for love. Like you, I am here to enjoy being myself honestly. Honoring the Higher Self honors everyone.
I apologize to my mother, my ex-fiancé, and to anyone whom I ever wanted to wake up. I saw how perfect and brilliant you are and I wanted you to see you too. I loved you so madly it hurt. I focused my attention on you and your awakening and avoided myself and my own awakening. (Ho’oponopono)
As much as my struggle with codependence sucked a big bone, I’m grateful for it. Releasing my biggest karmic block is my personal miracle that delivers all miracles. Really it was me who I needed to see.
I hereby apologize to my own heart for neglecting myself. Dear Heart, I RECEIVE all your love NOW.
Avoidance of self IS humanity’s collective suffering. If you’re human and you’re not yet fully enlightened, then you have this addiction. We all do.
Presence with the self, on the other hand, cures diseases of the mind and body. It heals relationships. Delivers dreams. It’s the path to freedom.
I still fall back into my old ways of working myself to death. I care so much about the awakening of mankind that I sometimes can’t find time to take care of my own basic needs. Like I chose not to pay myself last year, so I could finance this much-expanded love movement. Nothing makes me happier than putting my unique gifts to work and helping others awaken their gifts and joyfully fulfill their unique soul’s purpose. That said, I’m happy the days of denying myself and my needs are done!
Learning to love, support, and feed myself first was my path (the portal!) to the most infinitely unconditional love I never could have imagined!
I found TRUE undying love. Within myself.
We are here with a mission to discover ourselves and everyone as pure love, and nothing is more freeing and exhilarating than releasing our painful illusions.
Illusion #1: There’s a world outside myself that I am responsible for saving. (Wrong!)
After all these lifetimes of trying to save the world, what a load off to discover that I need only be!
You are Eternal Love itself.
I am. We are.
If you would like to receive a FREE LIGHT TRANSMISSION to help you become present with yourself and RECEIVE YOUR DIVINE INHERITANCE, it will be my honor to share divine love with you, wherever you are located. This world healing will be delivered on 3/30/18, Good Friday from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. (Registration required).
If you are a light worker (a person!) who puts yourself last, please stop right now, take a break, and do something nourishing for you. It is my joy to invite you to love yourself first. Thank you for joining us!
We do our part to clear the density and raise the vibration of the people and the planet by being present with ourselves. Thank you for being and loving you.
This is an incredible time to be alive as the old power structure is shifting, and Light Leaders are remembering who they are and why they’re here. May we freely share our joy, love, money, talents, and energy with the world! (But not at your own expense, right?)
Part of my unique soul purpose is to support the leaders of the ascension to remember themselves and their soul mission. Many of us are angels, walk-ins, star people, or other high-level light beings having a human incarnation. There’s good reason why you may have certain struggles with self-appreciation, self-care, being seen and heard, etc. We heal our own self-denial by taking excellent physical, mental, emotional, and energetic care of you know who. YES, you!
Thanks for sharing this post if you feel inspired by any of this.
To receive program info, please join my mailing list. (Click the subscribe button.)
To receive daily lightning bolts of love, please follow The Grateful Living Tour on Instagram. After Mexico, we’re traveling up the California coast, then up the eastern seaboard from North Carolina to Maine, then back to Mexico. The Yucatan!
My intention is to share Love with everyone everywhere! And I will always share as much as I can, as I am able.
Because I am committing to myself, to joyfully sharing love around the globe (The Holy Wholeness & Infinite Freedom Group Healing Series), to leading a mastermind modern-day mystery school for ascending masters (The Ascension Academy), to witnessing my five Awakening Master Mentees (Awakening Masters’ Mentoring Program), and hot damn I want to create space to play and wander, I will be reserving individual sessions for clients who are committed to their awakening.
Please stay tuned for (or ask me for) details about the above programs. It is my honor and joy to witness you witness your divine magnificence unfolding.
By the way, if you’ve read down this far, you are a leader of the ascension. Please follow my new Facebook Page. More is coming soon, check out our brand new virtual meeting space. This is a 12-D community center for light leaders. We are gathering in the “center” of ourselves. Please share with love-obsessed light workers who are ready to relax and discover true passion within themselves.
You’ll see I changed my name! Well, I didn’t actually change it. God spoke my divine name into my ear. And I recognized it. I remembered who I am. Isa Dona, Earth Healer and Divine Mother. I heal the earth’s ley lines and my own heart. I awaken love consciousness by loving myself, by allowing myself to be loved, by allowing love.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a doctor, scientist, stay at-home mom or dad, filmmaker, student, or organic sprout farmer. It doesn’t matter what your background conditioning is or whether your mind is judging this post. It doesn’t matter what religion, god, or guru you follow, what your gender or sexual orientation is, how old you are, where you come from, what you look like, whether you feel fulfilled or lost, whether you enjoyed a green smoothie or raw bison for breakfast. If you allowed yourself to read this meandering holy river of a post in its entirety, then you are no doubt here to awaken love.
I thank you from my bottomless heart for being here. Simply your presence is service. Thank you for being you! Thank you for saying Yes at this crucial time when you (exactly as you are today) are so needed. Thank you for accepting the invitation sent by your soul.
Thank you to my friend and business coach Akara Sophia, for helping me recover from burn out so that I could continue to give generously from a full cup. I also especially want to thank my magical Sacred Assistant Faery Rose and Kata Wilson (my soul’s twin sister) for your dedication to yourself, to me, and to our mission to awaken love consciousness.
Eternal thank yous for Kaia Ra, for your undying service to humanity.
Thank you to my parents (loving soul teachers), my sister Nadine, and my friends and clients for being you. You are my heart.
Thank you to the Ascension Academy tribe (who are gathering as we speak) for trusting yourselves, remembering who you are, and standing up and stepping out in the Truth of your own light. I couldn’t do this without you.
My goodness, how long we’ve all waited to come together. Thanks for showing up to the biggest party in the universe, The Ascension!
Oh, to dance with you, again!
I love you, Brilliant Light. Thanks for shining with us. As always, I am excited to SEE you.
Thank you for answering The Call to Love!
photo by Chris Van Atta
Isa Dona (aka Jennifer Chapis) is an ascension guide dedicated to global love consciousness. By way of the highest light, she uses her unique intuitive and energetic gifts to offer life-changing healing activations, clearings, and regressions, worldwide. Her signature group light transmissions heal the earth’s energy grid and contribute to the collective awakening of mankind. Learn More.
About my use of the word “God”: Please hear whatever name or language speaks to you and your beliefs (Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Krishna, Goddess, Spirit, Holy Sophia, Mother-Father, Source, Pure Love, Creation, The Universe, Your Highest Self). My commitment is to Love. The love energy I deliver is all-embracing of all religions and all beings and is not affiliated with any single faith or belief system.
All rights reserved. Isa Dona | All Love Healing | A Call to Love | The Grateful Living Tour
Awesome post! It helped me so much. Beautiful writing about codependency. It helped me so much.
Yay for awakening love consciousness!
Thanks Isa! ❤️
Thanks Greta! I’m so happy the post was helpful. xo Isa